In fact, people wearing glasses can be regarded as an experience of a man-machine symbiosis. Also, people using their mobile phones at anytime and anywhere is this kind of experience. The above examples are poeple's experiences of relying on the machine and technologies. And people who lost their limbs in accidents may install some prosthetic-fake limbs(mechanical) to their organic bodies. This is an example of physical experience of man-machine symbiosis.
(2.) What are some pros and cons of becoming a cyborg?
- can take the advantages of machine (eg:mobile plones' communication function)
- for prosthetic- fake limbs, they help people to live more like normal people(more convenient)
- can get the best elements of both organic and mechanical parts(eliminate those worst elements)
- less human limitations
- too robotic(not organic any more)
- against the rule of nature(not natural)
- human being may rely on the machine or technologies too much
-may not function as well as the natural limbs
- more like a robot than a human being
- controversial issue(moral and ethical problem)
Discussion (upload answers to your blog, comment constructively on others’ answers)
What do you think of Stelarc’s work?

- sense of future and Surrealism
- illusion(not real)
- science fiction
- difficult to imagine how Stelarc did the artworks
- made use of large amount mechanical elements
- not easily accepted by the public(main stream)
- crazy and very imaginative ideas for his artworks