Bill Gates(William Henry Bill Gates III) is one of the most famous person in the world.
One reason is he is the wealthiest person in the world.
He was born in October 28, 1955 in Seattle, Washington, USA.
He studied in Harvard University. But later he dropped out in 1975.
He has great achievement in operating system and software.
He is the Chairperson of Microsoft Corporation, American business magnate and philanthropist.
He is one of the best-known entrepreneurs of the personal computer revolution.
Bill Gates is not only the chief software architect of Microsoft, but also an writer.
Some features of the operating system and software he associated with:
-He developed an Altair emulator that ran on a minicomputer.
-Microsoft produces both softwares and hardwares
-BASIC interpreter for the platform--->later Microsoft BASIC(MS-DOS)--->Microsoft Quick Basic--->Visual Basic
-IBM Partnership(OS/A separate operating system)
-First retail version of Microsoft Windows(November 20, 1985)
-Windows NT kernel development
- Mid 1980s:promoted CD-ROM
-Microsoft Office
-Windows NT
-Internet Explorer
-Windows Media Player
- Microsoft Visual Studio
-Windows Live Messenger(MSN)
-Microsoft Student, Microsoft Money, Streets & Trips, etc..
Which of the other four is most similar to Bill Gates?
I think is Steve Jobs.
Because Steve Jobs is American businessman, co-founder and CEO of Apple Inc and also he is the former CEO of Pixar Animation Studios.
Like Bill Gates's Microsoft, Steve Jobs's Apple produces both softwares and hardwares.
And both men have great influence towards the development of IT Industry and even economy.
These two intellegent men are not only genius of operating system and software, but also kow well in business and making money.