- can be divided into fine arts, decorative arts, architecture, industrial design and literary arts
- representational
- aesthetic interesting(with beautiful qualities)
- have messages(communicate with viewers)
- expression
- Art lasts
Do you argee with his definition?
Yes i agree with his defination.
For me, i also concern about the real messages behind a piece of work.
And the aesthetic qualities of a piece of art are always the main factor concerning whether the artwork is or not.
I think it's important that the communication between the artist and viewers through the artwork.(b) According to Adams, what is needed for videogames to be considered as art?
- computer games need to have aesthetics
- need an artist(eg: game desiners)
- interactivity
- criticized by art critics
- communication from the artists to viewer
(need to have path to understand)
- principles of aesthetics and criticism
- aesthetically pleasing
- illustrating the human condition
- add resting large issues related to ourselves
- contain ideas and messages
- art make you feel something
- not formulaic
- utility and saleability
(c) A games

Cory Arcangel: Super-Mario Clouds, 2002
http://www.zunta.org/blog/archives/cloudsscroll.gif (accessed on 9 November,20 09)
Features: This picture is from Mario(the computer games). We cannot play it. But we can just see blue sky and white clouds. The actual picture shows the clouds are moving.
This is quite funny and eye-catching.